RINF – Bias and Credibility

RINF - Right Bias - Conspiracy - PropagandaFactual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Update: This source has not updated since 2019 and is moved to the retired list.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Islam

Launched in 2004, RINF is an alternative news, citizen journalism website that focuses on producing television shows, films and publishing conspiracy theories such as “’9/11 was an inside job, yes it was’, organised by the American government and Hollywood”. RINF is based in Lancaster, United Kingdom, and Mick Meaney is the CEO.

In review, RINF utilizes strong loaded words, and some of their articles are poorly sourced such as “Muslim Who Attacked Couple With Axe Yesterday Has Robbed A Bank Today.”  Although not stated on the web page for this article, the original source is Jihad Watch, which is considered a hate group by the SPLC. In general, all stories favor the right and they use questionable sources such as the Alt-Right Breitbart and extreme right conspiracy websites such as the Gateway Pundit and Red Ice TV. All of these sources have a very poor track record with fact checkers. RINF also supports Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Andrew Anglin who is the publisher of the racist website the Daily Stormer. Overall, we rate RINF questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and support for media and personalities connected to hate groups. (M. Huitsing 2/20/2018)

Source: http://rinf.com

Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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