Help Us Fact Check

With so many sources in our database we simply can’t keep up with reviewing all fact checks for our listed sources. You can help Media Bias Fact Check stay up-to-date and accurate in our ratings by submitting sources that have recently failed fact checks. We will only accept fact checks that were done by signatories of the International Fact Checking Network. We will only accept claims from the last 5 years that are rated Mostly False or lower. Please review the list below before submitting:

Verified IFCN Signatories as of 3/14/2020 Consult current list here

  1. 20 Minutes Fake off (France)
  2. AFP Fact Checking (France)
  3. AP Fact Check (USA)
  4. Agência Lupa (Brazil)
  5. Alt News (India)
  6. Animal Politico (Mexico)
  7. Aos Fatos (Brazil)
  8. Australian Associated Press (Australia)
  9. BOOM (India)
  10. Cek Facta (Indonesia)
  11. Center for Democratic Transition (Montenegro)
  12. Check Your Fact (USA)
  13. Chequeado (Argentina)
  14. Colombiacheck (Colombia)
  15. Congo Check (Republic of Congo)
  16. Cotego Info (Venezuela)
  17. Demagog Association (Poland)
  18. (Czech Republic)
  19. Digiteye India (India)
  20. Dogruluk Payi (Turkey)
  21. DPA-Faktencheck (Germany)
  22. Dubawa (Nigeria)
  23. Decrypteurs (Canada)
  24. EFE Verifica (Spain)
  25. Factly (India)
  26. Fact Crescendo (India)
  27. FactCheck Georgia (Georgia)
  28. (USA)
  29. FactCheck Northern Ireland (UK)
  30. (Kazakhstan)
  31. Faktisk (Norway)
  32. Faktograf (Croatia)
  33. (Albania)
  34. Fatobyyano Project (Jordan)
  35. Full Fact (UK)
  36. Grupo La Republica Publicaciones SA (Peru)
  37. Istinomjer (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  38. JTBC (Republic of Korea)
  39. Knack Magazine (Belgium)
  40. (Indonesia)
  41. La Silla Vacía (Colombia)
  42. Lead Stories (USA)
  43. Libération – CheckNews (France)
  44. Mafindo (Indonesia)
  45. Maldito Bulo (Spain)
  46. MyGoPen (Taiwan)
  47. Myth Detector (Georgia)
  48. News Mobile Fact Checker (India)
  49. (India)
  50. Newtral (Spain)
  51. Observador Fact Check (Portugal)
  52. Pagella Politica (Italy)
  53. Patikrinta (Lithuania)
  54. Pesa Check (Kenya)
  55. PolitiFact (USA)
  56. Rappler (Philippines)
  57. Re:Baltica (Latvia)
  58. Reuters Fact Check (USA)
  59. Science Feedback (France)
  60. StopFake (Ukraine)
  61. Taiwan Fact Checker (Taiwan)
  62. Tempo Co (Indonesia)
  63. The Quint (India)
  64. (Turkey)
  65. The Dispatch (USA)
  66. Fact Check (Ireland)
  67. The Washington Post Fact Checker (USA)
  68. – Periksa Fakta (Indonesia)
  69. (Denmark)
  70. T.V. Today (India)
  71. UAB Delfi (Lithuania)
  72. USA Today (USA)
  73. Vera Files (Philippines)
  74. Vishvas News (India)
  75. Vistinomer (Macedonia)
  76. VoxUkraine (Ukraine)
  77. Vrai ou Fake (France)

Last Updated on August 30, 2020 by Media Bias Fact Check

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