Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC), recognized for its meticulous analysis of media outlets’ bias and factual accuracy, has its own API to extend the accessibility of its comprehensive database. The MBFC API empowers developers, researchers, businesses, educators, and journalists with real-time access to its extensive bias ratings and analyses. See one example of the data included for each of our 7,400+ sources in our database.

CNN API Example

Ways to use MBFC’s API:

  • Media Bias Analysis Tools: Developers can integrate MBFC’s bias ratings directly into news aggregators or analysis tools, helping users to instantly assess the bias of the news they read.
  • Educational Resources: Educators and e-learning platforms can utilize the API to bring real-time examples of media bias and factual reporting into the classroom, enhancing media literacy education.
  • Research Projects: Scholars and researchers analyzing media trends can access MBFC’s data for comprehensive studies on bias and factuality across different media outlets over time.
  • Browser Extensions: Create browser extensions that display an MBFC bias rating and factual scores for news websites.
  • Fact-Checking Services: Fact-checking platforms can use the API to reference MBFC’s findings and ratings, enriching their evaluations with additional context on a source’s reliability and political leanings.
  • News Curation and Recommendation Platforms: Curate news feeds or recommend articles based on MBFC’s bias and factual ratings, offering readers a balanced perspective by exposing them to a variety of sources. (See Ground.news)
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Non-profits and advocacy groups can leverage the API to educate the public about media bias, promoting awareness through interactive websites and social media campaigns.
  • Business Applications: Use the API to vet your employees’ sources and filter content relevant to your business interests.

We are very selective in who we allow access to our API. Please fill out the form below to receive permission or a quote to use our API.


Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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