American Institute for Economic Research – Bias and Credibility

American Institute for Economic Research - Right Center Bias - Republican - Conservative - Libertarian - CredibleFactual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appealing to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

  • Overall, we rate The American Institute for Economic Research Right-Center biased based on Libertarian-leaning economic policy and Mixed for factual reporting due to the publication of misinformation related to Coronavirus.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic



Founded in 1933, The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) is located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, with a stated mission of “educating Americans on the value of personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money.” They further state, “AIER’s ongoing scientific research demonstrates the importance of these principles in advancing peace, prosperity, and human progress.”

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

The American Institute for Economic Research is an independent 501(c)(3) economic research institute. They derive funds through donations. AIER discloses its financial information on the website. According to Charity Navigator, AIER scores 2 out of 4 stars due to most money going toward program expenses.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The American Institute for Economic Research is the Bastiat Society’s home, a global network of business professionals committed to advancing free trade, individual freedom, and responsible governance. While AIER does not openly state its support for the Austrian Economic Theory (limited government interference), many articles endorse it. Headlines do not use loaded language, and articles are properly sourced, such as this Consumer Sentiment and Job Openings Show Improvement. This article is appropriately sourced from Thomson Reuters. AIER reports negatively on progressive economic policy as well as former President Trump’s policy.

When it comes to scientific issues, AIER does not deny the human impact on climate change and supports the consensus of science; however, they do not support a government solution approach: How a Strong Private Sector Will Address Climate Change. However, during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020, they have published claims that are in dispute. In general, AIER endorses a Libertarian point of view.

Failed Fact Checks

A Senior Research Fellow at AIER asked us to review the above fact check as they felt it was in error and misattributed to them. The author of the story, Jeffrey A. Tucker, states in the article, “With solid evidence that asymptomatic spread is nonsense, we have to ask: who is making decisions and why?” Mr. Tucker references a study by Cao et al. that reveals out of 300 asymptomatic cases, none were infectious. However, Prof Fujian Song, a corresponding author of the research, said of the study, “There is plenty of evidence elsewhere showing that people infected with COVID-19 may be temporarily asymptomatic and infectious before going on to develop symptoms.”

Furthermore, Health Feedback, directly states that AIER’s statement is from one of two articles they are fact-checking where they report and provide hyperlinks to the AIER article: “These claims appeared on websites, such as the American Institute for Economic Research website and this blog. Both rely on a research paper by Cao et al. published in Nature Communications in November 2020 as evidence.

Through cherry-picking one small study that even the study authors state does not tell the whole story, Mr. Tucker concluded, “Forget rare. Forget even Fauci’s previous suggestion that asymptomatic transmission exists but does not drive the spread. Replace all that with: never.” Based on his statements that asymptomatic transmission is “nonsense” and that asymptomatic transmission “never” occurs based on this one study, we conclude that the Health Feedback fact check is accurate and correctly attributes AIER through a hyperlink to their archived article.

Overall, we rate The American Institute for Economic Research Right-Center biased based on Libertarian-leaning economic policy and Mixed for factual reporting due to the publication of misinformation related to Coronavirus. (D. Van Zandt 3/16/2019) Updated (10/29/2022)


This poll is for entertainment purposes and does not change our overall rating.

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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