Cold Dead Hands – Bias and Credibility

Cold Dead Hands - Right Bias - Conservative - Republican - Libertarian - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Update: Cold Dead Hands have changed their domain to, but have not published since 2021. They are moved to the retired/inactive list.

  • Overall, we rate Cold Dead Hands Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and advocacy for the 2nd amendment. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a general lack of hyperlinked sourcing to support claims.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180


Founded in 2012, Cold Dead Hands (CDH, Inc.) is a 2nd Amendment Advocacy Group website/blog. The founder and CEO is Patrick James, with Jon Britton serving as COO.

Read our profile on United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

Cold Dead Hands is owned by Patrick James Hughes through CDH, Inc. Revenue is derived through an online store that sells branded merchandise as well as survival gear and T-Shirts.

Analysis / Bias

In review, the Cold Dead Hands website features a blog that publishes news about gun rights from a Libertarian/Conservative perspective. Headlines are moderately loaded and often explore what if scenarios such as this: Revolution 2.0: We The People vs US Government. This story like most on the website is opinion based and does not offer hyperlinked sourcing to substantiate their claims. Editorially, there is general support for Republican President Donald Trump such as this: Trump – American Hitler? The Left Says Yes, As Usual and this Putin Is Laughing At American Dump Trumpers. Finally, Cold Dead Hands published a thoughtful piece on fake news spread by the Mainstream Media (Mainstream Fake News Challenge), they again do not provide hyperlinks to validate their claims. In this article they reported numerous cases of fake news such as this “Swastikas and KKK graffiti at a college campus the work of Trump supporters: FAKE.” While this may be true, we the readers, do not have any idea what incident is being referred to or how it was validated to be fake.

Overall, we rate Cold Dead Hands Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and advocacy for the 2nd amendment. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a general lack of hyperlinked sourcing to support claims. (D. Van Zandt 12/11/2016) Updated (07/15/2022)


Last Updated on May 19, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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