The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/15/2022

Each day Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We only utilize fact-checkers that are either a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or have been verified as credible by MBFC. Further, we review each fact check for accuracy before publishing. We fact-check the fact-checkers and let you know their bias. When appropriate we explain the rating and/or offer our own rating if we disagree with the fact-checker. (D. Van Zandt)

Claim Codes: Red = Fact Check on a Right Claim, Blue = Fact Check on a Left Claim, Black = Not Political/Conspiracy/Pseudoscience/Other
Fact Checker bias rating Codes: Red = Right-Leaning, Green = Least Biased, Blue = Left-Leaning, Black = Unrated by MBFC

FALSE Claim by The Raging Patriot: “Vice President Kamala Harris laughs at the plight of Ukraine; at idea of America offering assistance”

Politifact rating: False (Vice President Kamala Harris laughed while she and Poland’s President Andrzej Duda tried to decide who would answer first in response to a question, while simultaneous translations also were occuring, according to her spokesperson. Duda also laughed.) 

Kamala Harris did not laugh at Ukraine or idea of U.S. offering aid

The Raging Patriot Rating

FALSE Claim by Viral Post: A post shared on Facebook claims Johns Hopkins University confirmed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests can vaccinate patients.

Check Your Fact rating: False

FACT CHECK: Did Johns Hopkins Confirm PCR Tests Can Vaccinate Patients?

FALSE Claim by Russia Went Back To Using A Gold Standard.

Lead Stories rating: False (Tax Adjustment)

Fact Check: Russia Did NOT Go Back To Using A Gold Standard In Early March 2022

Newspunch rating

Claim via Social media: Facebook video shows “counting Biden’s votes at 2 a.m.”

PolitiFact rating: False (The Facebook user who shared the video said it was a joke.)

No, this video on Facebook doesn’t show someone ‘counting Biden’s votes at 2 am’

FALSE Claim by Social media posts: “Russian president Vladimir Putin meets with South Korean President.” rating: False (Mislabeled video)

Old, Mislabeled Video Circulating Amid Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

FALSE (International: Australia): Cloud seeding caused record-breaking floods in Queensland and NSW.

Australian Associated Press rating: False (Cloud seeding is impossible on the scale of the NSW and Queensland floods. A La Nina weather system is the cause.)

Conspiracy claims about NSW and Queensland floods fall flat

Disclaimer: We are providing links to fact checks by third-party fact-checkers. If you do not agree with a fact check, please directly contact the source of that fact check.

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1 Comment on "The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/15/2022"

  1. Brad Heuchert | March 16, 2022 at 10:19 pm |

    How can I hold you accountable when there are ads on your web site that are not factual or misleading?


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