The Anti-Media – Bias and Credibility

Antimedia - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not CredibleAntimedia - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Update: This source is no longer online.

  • Overall, we rate The Anti-Media a Moderate Conspiracy and Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven claims. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and the promotion of unproven claims.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2014, The Anti-Media (TAM) is a website that reports news and opinions from an anti-war, anti-establishment perspective. The website was founded by Nick Bernabe and according to their about page he is a “longtime entrepreneur and agorist, Nick founded Anti-Media because he saw a need for more independence and diversity in the news media.” The current Editor-in-Chief is Carey Wedler.

Read our profile on United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

The Anti-Media is owned by Nick Bernabe and revenue is derived through advertising and donations.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Anti-Media publishes news that is broken into three categories: Our News, Their News, and My News. “Our News” consists of primarily original stories written by TAM. “Their News” leads to outside conspiracy sources such as Middle East Eye, Mint Press, and Zero Hedge. The “My News” section is news stories that are shared by readers. 

The Our News section best reflects the direction and bias of this website. A review of articles found here reveals numerous instances of conspiracy theories being promoted such as false flags: The 12 Strongest Arguments That Douma Was a False Flag. This story is sourced to a combination of credible sources such as Foreign Policy as well as full-blown conspiracy websites such as the Corbett Report. When it comes to science The Anti-Media does not support the consensus with GMOs and promotes 9/11 conspiracies. In general, the Anti-Media reports some factual stories as well as some that are conspiracy and pseudoscience.

Overall, we rate The Anti-Media a Moderate Conspiracy and Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven claims. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and the promotion of unproven claims. (D. Van Zandt 5/18/2016) Updated (12/21/2019)


Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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