Chicago Tribune – Bias and Credibility

Chicago Tribune - Right Center Bias - Conservative - Republican - CredibleFactual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Chicago Tribune Right-Center biased based on moderately right-leaning editorial positions and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact-check record.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic



Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune is a daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, United States. The daily paper is published in broadsheet format, and the current editor is Bruce Dold. The Chicago Times is the 8th largest paper by circulation in the United States and the most read in the Chicago area.

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

The Chicago Tribune is owned by Tribune Publishing, which owns numerous newspapers across the United States. The Chicago Tribune is funded through a paid subscription and advertising model.

Analysis / Bias

According to their statement of principles: “The Chicago Tribune believes in the traditional principles of limited government; maximum individual responsibility; and minimum restriction of personal liberty, opportunity, and enterprise. It believes in free markets, free will, and freedom of expression.” In other words, Libertarian/Conservative-leaning.

In review, the Chicago Tribune reports local news using reporters and national/world news through syndication of the Associated Press. There is minimal use of loaded language in headlines and articles, and all information is properly sourced. Editorially, there is a right-leaning bias through the promotion of free-market economics and limited government. The newspaper has historically endorsed Republican or 3rd party candidates; however, in 2008 and 2012, they endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president. In 2016, they opted to endorse Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Failed Fact Checks

  • None in the Last 5 years

Overall, we rate the Chicago Tribune Right-Center biased based on moderately right-leaning editorial positions and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record. (5/16/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 01/12/2024)


This poll is for entertainment purposes and does not change our overall rating.

Last Updated on January 12, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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