Pacific Pundit – Bias and Credibility

Pacific Pundit - Extreme Right Bias - Fake News - Conservative - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Pacific Pundit a Questionable source based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda/conspiracy, use of poor sources, a complete lack of transparency and failed fact checks.

Detailed Report

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Founded in 2012, Pacific Pundit, like most questionable news sources does not provide an about page to describe their mission or ownership.

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

Pacific Pundit does not disclose ownership and revenue is derived from advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Pacific Pundit exhibits extreme right-wing bias through wording and story selection that always favors the far right. For example, this headline: NFL THUGS WHO DISRESPECTED THE NATIONAL ANTHEM IN WEEK 7 uses a derogatory racial term to describe protesters of inequality and police violence. Pacific Pundit also does not source to credible media, for example, they use Infowars: “CRAZY LEFTISTS PLAN ‘SCREAM HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY’ EVENT” and Blacksphere: “MAJOR DNC SHAKEUP – MEDIA SILENT.”

The website also frequently promotes right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories such as this: ILHAN OMAR DOESN’T DENY SHE SUPPORTS AL QAEDA AND COMMUNISM. A quote from the article demonstrates extremely loaded language that is not supported by evidence “Trump wanted to exposed these communists and terrorist sympathizers for who they are and it looks like he finally did it. They’ve been well hidden and protected by the media up until today. Now, they are basically the face of the communist Democrat party.”

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate the Pacific Pundit a Questionable source based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda/conspiracy, use of poor sources, a complete lack of transparency and failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 10/23/2017) Updated (7/13/2023)


Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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Left vs. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources

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