Everyday Health – Bias and Credibility

Everyday Health - Pro Science - Credible - Not Biased

Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing.  Legitimate science follows the scientific method, is unbiased, and does not use emotional words.  These sources also respect the consensus of experts in the given scientific field and strive to publish peer-reviewed science. Some sources in this category may have a slight political bias but adhere to scientific principles. See all Pro-Science sources.

  • Overall, we rate Everyday Health a Pro-Science source based on proper sourcing of information and medical review by healthcare professionals. However, some content certainly falls within the alt-health realm and should be investigated further.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: PRO-SCIENCE
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic


Founded in 2002 by entrepreneurs Benjamin Wolin and Michael Keriakos, Everyday Health is a website that produces content relating to health and wellness. According to their about page, “We are committed to providing our audience with trusted, real-world, evidence-based health information from the nation’s leading healthcare providers and patient advocates, alongside personal patient perspectives and health consumer insights from those on the front lines, in real-time.”

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

Everyday Health is owned by j2 Global, and revenue is generated through advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Everyday Health states, “Our content is medically reviewed by physicians and healthcare providers in active clinical practice and updated along with new developments in practice and research.” They further state, “Our editorial team is made up of experienced and accredited health journalists who are specialists in their coverage areas.” After thoroughly reviewing this website, we could not find any instances of health misinformation.

Most information links to medical journals or credible sources and provides sound advice such as this: 5 Reasons It’s Harder to Lose Weight With Age. Some articles have click bait type headlines, which may disappoint people when they find that the answer to the headline is negative such as this: Can Sipping Bone Broth Make You Look Younger?

Failed Fact Checks

  • None in the Last 5 years

Overall, we rate Everyday Health a Pro-Science source based on proper sourcing of information and medical review by healthcare professionals. However, some content certainly falls within the alt-health realm and should be investigated further. (D. Van Zandt 6/28/2019) Updated (10/03/2022)

Source: https://www.everydayhealth.com

Last Updated on May 24, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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