Doubtful News – Bias and Credibility

Doubtful News - Pro Science - Credible - Not Biased

Factual Reporting: Very High - Credible - Reliable


These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing.  Legitimate science follows the scientific method, is unbiased and does not use emotional words.  These sources also respect the consensus of experts in the given scientific field and strive to publish peer reviewed science. Some sources in this category may have a slight political bias, but adhere to scientific principles. See all Pro-Science sources.

Update: This source is no longer online.

Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH

Doubtful News is a privately-owned, science and evidence-based site by Lithospherica, LLC. They help their audience see beyond the news headlines and fantastic anecdotes. Is well-sourced and scientific in approach. (D. Van Zandt 1/31/2017)


Last Updated on May 24, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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