The Healthy American – Bias and Credibility

The Healthy American - Conspiracy - Fake News - Conservative - Not Credible - Peggy HallThe Healthy American- Pseudoscience - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible -Peggy HallFactual Reporting: Very Low - Biased - Not Credible - Fake News


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Healthy American Right Biased and a quackery level pseudoscience website that promotes Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracies based on debunked false information regarding Coronavirus. This website is dangerous if you follow their guidance.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Founded in May 2020 by Peggy Hall, The Healthy American is an alternative health and wellness website promoting pseudoscience regarding Covid-19. Peggy Hall advocates for not wearing a mask during coronavirus as stated on her about page “With a background in health, politics, education, and activism, Peggy is a frontline freedom fighter who has been instrumental in overturning mask mandates, getting “wash your hands” highway signs removed, and spearheading mask-free shopping, working and living.” She further states, “I urge you: Don’t trust your health to the headlines. Don’t trust your life to the media, and don’t trust your well-being to the government.”

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

The Healthy American does not clearly state ownership; however, Peggy Hall is the founder and presumed owner. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, the primary purpose of this website is to promote misinformation regarding Coronavirus and the wearing of face coverings. In fact, they have a section called Masks Don’t Work, which promotes pseudoscience and false information such as making unsupported claims such as this “Masks reduce intake of oxygen, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity.” This claim is not true. Another claim is as follows “Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing risk of infection.This also is not true. Finally, The Healthy American promotes far-right conspiracy theories such as this “Masks symbolize suppression of speech.” Further, Peggy Hall has made baseless claims that social distancing doesn’t work; however, the CDC states that it is an essential part of the reduction of spreading the Coronavirus.

Finally, they are selling a religious exemption card for $12, giving you the freedom not to wear a mask. There is no basis for religious exemptions in private businesses; therefore, the card is useless. In fact, they even provide a disclaimer “This card is for informational and educational purposes to inform others that your religious liberty is protected by federal and state law. While we hope and pray this card will smooth your way, unfortunately, we cannot state that it will guarantee your entry into any business establishment.”

Editorially, The Healthy American holds a far-right perspective that aligns with President Trump’s frequent promotion of misleading and false information regarding Covid-19. In general, they promote quackery-level pseudoscience as described above as well as pushing anti-vaccination propaganda.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate The Healthy American Right Biased and a quackery level pseudoscience website that promotes Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracies based on the promotion of debunked false information regarding Coronavirus. This website is dangerous if you follow their guidance. (D. Van Zandt 11/29/2020) Updated (02/23/2024)


Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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