– Bias and Credibility

Livestrong - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not Credible - Natural HealthLivestrong - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible - Natural Health

Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate Livestrong a Mild Pseudoscience website, but not enough to label it pro-science. Our advice is to examine their diets and perhaps try them, but when it comes to cancer advice, please see a medical professional in the field of Oncology.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Founded in 2008, is a health, fitness, and lifestyle website that is in partnership with the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong ( as they state: “We are a proud licensing partner of the LIVESTRONG Foundation and have contributed over $3M in support of their mission to provide services to those affected by cancer.” There is controversy about using a similar domain name that utilizes LAF’s legitimate cancer foundation and a website that promotes questionable homeopathic cancer advice.

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership is owned by Demand Media Inc. and funded through advertising and subscriptions. is for-profit. Armstrong and the Lance Armstrong Foundation received significant equity investments in Demand Media through licensing agreements that allowed Demand Media to use the trademarked Livestrong name.

Analysis / Bias

According to their about page: “LIVESTRONG.COM provides the blueprint to simple healthy living. Our mission is to empower anyone at any age or stage in their fitness journey with the information and tools that will help them to make better choices – even just one small better choice can motivate them and improve their potential to truly thrive.”

In review, does provide sound dietary advice that is rooted in science. They also have developed MyPlate, which shows a color-coded way to balance meals with protein, carbs, fats, etc. This is good information and used by millions. It is helpful. However, they also promote pseudoscience and junk science such as Psyllium Husk & Bentonite Clay for Weight Loss in which there is zero scientific evidence. Further, some sources have accused them of endorsing natural cures for cancer or prevention that is dangerous to overall health.

Failed Fact Checks

  • A factual search reveals that has not failed a fact check, likely because pseudoscience sites do not get fact-checked often. The bottom line is most of the information on is factual and trustworthy, but some dips into the pseudoscience realm.

Overall, we rate Livestrong a Mild Pseudoscience website, but not enough to label it pro-science. Our advice is to examine their diets and perhaps try them, but when it comes to cancer advice, please see a medical professional in the field of Oncology. (D. Van Zandt 8/21/2018) Updated (03/10/2023)


Last Updated on June 2, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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