Institute for Family Studies – Bias and Credibility

Institute for Family Studies - Right Bias - Conservative - Libertarian - Republican - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic


The Institute for Family Studies (IFS) is a conservative think tank that states its mission as “to strengthen marriage and family life, and advance the well-being of children through research and public education.” IFS was founded by William Bradford Wilcox, who is the Director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia, and a Visiting Scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. Michael Toscano is the current Executive Director.

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded By / Ownership

The Institute for Family Studies does not openly state ownership on the website, nor do they list funding sources. According to Sourcewatch, they have received funding from the conservative Bradley Foundation. They accept donations on the website as well.

Analysis / Bias

In review, the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) reports on and researches the role of marriage on the health of children and society. Most information on this website is rooted in fact and is well-sourced. There is little use of loaded language; however, story selection favors the conservative view of traditional marriage. While IFS does not come out directly and say they oppose same-sex marriage, they routinely promote two-parent heterosexual families as the ideal.

In 2012, Bradford Wilcox was a peer reviewer on a controversial research paper called “disgraceful” by the scientific community. This research was funded by the highly Questionable Witherspoon Institute, which promotes anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion propaganda. While IFS tend to be well-sourced, their senior fellow Mr. Wilcox endorsed a poor scientific study.

Failed Fact Checks

  • None in the Last 5 years

Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science. (D. Van Zandt 3/16/2018) Updated (01/20/2023)


Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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