71 Republic – Bias and Credibility

71 Republic - Right Center Bias - Libertarian - Conservative - CredibleFactual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

Update: This source is no longer online and is retired.

  • Overall, this is a Right-Center biased news and commentary website that is High for factual reporting based on proper sourcing of information.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


71 Republic is an independent news and commentary website that was founded by Matthew Geiger and Mason Mohon. According to their about page “71 Republic is an independent journalism and editorial organization dedicated to providing its audience with grassroots reporting on current events and breaking news. With an emphasis on the next generation, 71R has consistently represented the Third Voice that sits outside the mainstream lens of Media.”

Read our profile on United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

The website does not fully disclose ownership, however, Matthew Geiger has indicated via email that he and Mason Mohon are co-owners of the website. The website generates revenue through online advertising/individual donations and receives no funding from any outside organization.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The focus of the site is digital journalism essays written by other members, mostly young adults. With that said, 71 Republic offers a lot of opinions, however, they do source to credible media outlets such as Politico and government websites, such as Congress.gov. There is also minimal use of loaded language, however, most articles favor the right through the support of Austrian Economics and some Christian perspectives. There is minimal use of biased language used in headlines and articles such as this: US Plans to Withdraw Troops from Syria. In general, stories favor a libertarian perspective, which includes left-leaning positions such as social liberty.

A factual search reveals that 71 Liberty has not failed a fact check.

Overall, this is a Right-Center biased news and commentary website that is High for factual reporting based on proper sourcing of information. (M. Huitsing 9/6/2017) (Updated 12/07/2019)

Source: https://71republic.com/

Last Updated on May 6, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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