No Left Turn in Education – Bias and Credibility

No Left Turn in Education - Right Bias - Questionable Conservative - Republican - Not Credible or ReliableFactual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate No Left Turn in Education as right-biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, misinformation, the use of poor sources, a lack of transparency with funding, and a failed fact check.

Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Poor Sources, Lack of Transparency, Misinformation, False Claims
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The website “No Left Turn in Education” aims to foster an educational environment where American founding principles are appreciated, family values are preserved, and objective thinking is encouraged. The organization emphasizes the role of parents as the primary custodians and authorities of their children. 

Read our profile on the United States media and government.

Funded by / Ownership

No Left Turn in Education is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The website lacks transparency as they do not list who funds them. They provide a board of directors with Dr. Elana Yaron Fishbein serving as President. The board also includes retired Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., who has a poor record with fact-checkers.

Analysis / Bias

The website focuses on issues such as indoctrination, Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and sexualizing children in education. It aims to “eradicate” indoctrination that suppresses independent thought.

No Left Turn in Education lists court cases that have been brought generally trying to stop the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools. The website also has a section called “Get The Facts,” where they list the things they are opposed to, such as Indoctrination, Critical Race Theory, The 1619 Project, Sexualizing Children, Woke Math and Science, Social Emotional Learning, and Action Civics. Under each heading, they link to articles such as How ‘Socio-Emotional Learning’ Became Another Vehicle For Anti-White Racism In Schools. This story links to the Questionable, The Federalist, which has a poor track record with fact checkers.

Editorially, the content on No Left Turn in Education holds far-right conservative perspectives such as Eugenics and the Racist Underbelly of the American Left, which is derived from Mises. Further, No Left Turn in Education has made controversial statements directed at Planned Parenthood via social media, such as this “Take your organ harvesting gender fluidity and pornography nonsense back to Trans-sylvania or wherever the hell you created it, and stay away from our kids!” The statement contains elements that could be interpreted as hateful or discriminatory, particularly in its use of charged language and controversial terms. 

Finally, according to the National Education Association, in referencing groups like No Left Turn in Education, states:

But many of the advocacy groups working behind the scenes to help orchestrate these protests and limit discussions about race in public schools are supported by a web of dark money and right-wing operatives looking to exploit culture war grievances for political gain. While these groups claim they are defending against “indoctrination,” their real aim is to manufacture divisive misinformation that can be used to stoke unjust fears across the country. By doing so, they hope to silence teachers’ voices and replace school boards with ideologically-driven members, thereby destroying the very fabric of public education from the inside.  

In general, No Left Turn in Education is a Far-Right conservative advocacy group that sometimes publishes divisive propaganda that is not factual.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate No Left Turn in Education as right-biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, misinformation, the use of poor sources, a lack of transparency with funding, and a failed fact check. (D. Van Zandt 10/22/2023)


Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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