Dunning-Kruger-Times – Bias and Credibility

Dunning-Kruger-Times - Satire - Left BiasSATIRE

These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are transparent in that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive.  See all Satire sources.

  • Overall, we rate Dunning-Kruger-Times as a satire website based on full disclosure on its about page that they are satire.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: LEFT SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Founded in 2020, Dunning-Kruger-Times is a satire website created as part of the Last Line of Defense Network, a network of websites that publishes satire/fake news frequently shared by conservative sources. The founder is Christopher Blair, who fully states his websites are satire.

Christopher Blair explains why he calls his readers Taters: “Taters” are the conservative fans of America’s Last Line of Defense. They are fragile, frightened, mostly older caucasian Americans. They believe nearly anything. While we go out of our way to educate them that not everything they agree with is true, they are still old, typically ignorant, and again — very afraid of everything.”

Funded by / Ownership

Christopher Blair owns Dunning-Kruger-Times through Paid Liberal Trolls Of America LLC. Advertising generates revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Dunning-Kruger-Times indicates they are a satire on its about page that they are satire: “Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie, and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental, and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.”

In general, stories are designed to trick conservatives into sharing on social media, such as this: Whoopi Attacks Innocent Waitress for Saying “Merry Christmas”

Although this site and all of Christopher Blair’s properties disclaim they are satire, they are still frequently fact-checked by fact-checkers.

Overall, we rate Dunning-Krugar-Times as a satire website based on full disclosure on its about page that they are satire. (D. Van Zandt 12/29/2022) Updated (11/08/2023)

Source: https://dunning-kruger-times.com/

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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